Electrolysis of water results in liberation of hydrogen at anode and oxygen. Find a thin tin used for say granulated coffee make a 2mm hole in lid and one in base for a rubber tube. What Do You Observe When You Insert A Lighted Splinter Into A Test Tube Containing Hydrogen Gas Quora Hydrogen ignites in air. . Correct option is B Hydrogen gas is released when metal reacts with a base. Carbon dioxide Hydrogen Oxygen PLS ANSWER 575695 575695 07012021. We hear a pop sound when a burning splinter gets extinguished by hydrogen gas because hydrogen gas is highly inflammable gas that ignites like an explosion. A sample of gas in a small test tube produces a pop when a burning splint is inserted. Why does hydrogen extinguish lighted splint. The burning splint has to be inserted at the base of the test tube because hydrogen is less dense. Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide reacts with calcium hydroxide. What happens when...
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